Colocation Pricing Calculator, Data Center Cost Calculator | Web Werks


Calculate your Savings: Captive vs Colocation

Use this calculator to compare the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of having a data center in India; Captive (on-premises) vs Colocating with a service provider. This is for illustration purpose only and we use the base rent, utility power cost and terms to calculate the savings.You can calculate your savings in Indian Rupee (INR) or US $.

Please contact Web Werks Data Centers to dive deep and discuss this comparison.



Detailed Breakdown

Figures based on analysis of your inputs

Capacity in kW 100
MEP Cost per kW (CAPEX) 500,000
Operation & Maintenance Cost 10%
Network Components 5%
Salaries 6%
Monthly Rent(per Sq.Ft) 200
Certifications & Compliances LS
Cost of Capital 10%
Contract Term 5

Annual Recurring Expense 2,62,49,368

Estimated Captive TCO 13,37,46,839

Estimated Colocation TCO 4,50,00,000

Estimated TCO Captive (as per entered scenarios)


Estimated TCO Colocation (as per entered scenarios)


Hope you find this TCO calculator helpful. If you want to discuss further or want to evaluate your custom requirements and configurations, please click on below button and our data center solution experts will help you.

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TCO Summary

After 5 years, colocation is 66.35% less expensive than building with a break-even at > 10 years.
