New technologies and innovation in data center industry seems to have taken the domain by storm and with hyperconverged infrastructures (HCI) becoming rampant, many organizations are moving towards it to realign their data centers. Even though hyperconverged infrastructures offers a range of benefits over the traditional types, not everyone is adopting the solution as they fail to recognize its core advantages.
Hyperconverged infrastructures
If you go a couple of years back, hyper-converged infrastructures did not happen, but now there a complete change in the scenario and it has turned to be the fastest growing and efficient method for installing IT in data centers. As organizations are pressurized with new demands, they need to move on from their legacy approaches and play new role in the IT domain.
The not-so-old technology has proved its worth, but then the question is how is it different from converged infrastructure. HCI enables organizations to integrate numerous IT segments into an individual system while significantly cutting down the expense and complexity involved in the process. Converged infrastructure tends to have some of the same features and objectives but has collapsed in terms of compute, storage, and networking into an individual SKU and offers a unified management layer. Hyperconverged data centers does the same thing, but it tends to enhance the overall appeal by involving defined storage and reducing the need to emphasis more on networking. So here, the attention is more on data control and management.
Why hyperconverged infrastructure?
Given the simplicity and flexibility of hyperconvergence, more and more organizations are deploying the technology in their data center. With the growing demand, businesses are looking to instantly provision resources. Hyperconverged systems provides organizations high flexibility to take applications up and running.
Although hyperconvergence is offering what organizations are seeking for, the technology is still new and thus, not used by everyone. Most organizations are using the systems only to deploy virtual desktop infrastructure, analytics, and standard workloads. As according to reports, a small amount of businesses use hyperconverged systems for mission-critical applications and high-performance workloads. But as organizations will become more familiar with this particular technology, the adoption rate will change.
Is it the future of IT?
Hyperconverged infrastructure is just an approach to enhance efficiency and is not the final solution to the IT problems as there are still some limitations and impediment. For instance, there are certain restrictions for system upgrades and tweaks, and another crucial challenge is collaboration of systems. Even though hyperconverged provides many benefits compared to legacy systems, the limitations keeps it from fully functioning.
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