If you are interested in earning some corpus income, one of the best options you can choose is becoming a good web hosting reseller. It is one of the most lucrative options with full management control lying with you. Here is all about being a good web hosting reseller.
First of start with learning about the web hosting products and services. There are different types of web hosting solutions. Each web hosting service has its own features and enterprises with different scale of operations choose the hosting solutions that suit their requirements and business applications.
A brief look at how each web hosting solution is different from other.
VPS Hosting: Starting with the most inexpensive hosting solution and an alternative to poor shared hosting, the Virtual Private Server. It functions on a large physical server which is divided into different slices and each slice is hosted in a virtual environment. Unlike shared hosting, VPS offers an isolated hosting environment to each user on the same server keeping it safe and unaffected from the activities of other users.
Colocation Services: Many enterprises have their own servers but managing it is a difficult things for them as the cost of server operation, infrastructure and management is too high. Moreover, they need to hire IT experts and security concerns are high too. So, the best option for them is data center colocation services. Always opt for TIER III or TIER IV data centers for best server infrastructure.
Dedicated Servers: Dedicated servers are the single tenant servers with its resources reserved for a single user. It is not shared with anyone, so it’s comparatively expensive. It comes with maximum security, flexibility, scalability, hence is the most reliable too.
Cloud solutions: Cloud solutions are the on-demand computing solutions where the users can pay per use for the usage of server resources. It is secured, affordable, flexible, scalable and the even the futuristic hosting solution.
You can learn more here about different web hosting and data centers services.
The next essential factor to be a good web hosting reseller is to choose the right web host provider. Look for the one with good market repute, reasonable pricing, and state of art data centers and off course, competitive hosting features. You can rely on Web Werks for reliable reseller hosting features.
Thirdly, be enough smart with setting up the price. A little research on the pricing of competing resellers will give you a fair idea on this. Decide the price after considering operational costs, server costs and other miscellaneous costs.
Adding an eCommerce option to the company website will enable you to get fast transactions and avoid hassles.
You can also check out some essential reseller hosting tips here.
Last but not the least, keep posted with Web Werks Blogs for more web hosting technologies, news and updates.